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Saturate Community Study

As we look forward to the imminent arrival of 2019, my prayer has been to find a way to gain some traction with the growing number of interested parties within our community. As such, it seemed good to find a way to deep dive into discipleship and missional living, two essential ingredients for faithful obedience to Jesus. Starting in January I’ll begin leading an in-depth study through the book “Saturate” by Jeff Vanderstelt and Ben Connelly.

Those that join will find a very rewarding and enriching outcome, but be warned it’s not a spectator sport. It’ll take eight weeks total of weekly gathering and some work to do during the off days. Trust it will move you closer to Jesus and his heart for mission. As I’m convinced that when things cost nothing they are invaluable, those that decide to join us can purchase the book from Engage for a discounted cost of $10. However, if money is an issue please let me know privately.

Will you consider joining us for this? Please also pray for the fruit it will produce.

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