The Difference Between Wisdom And Fear

UPDATE 5/22: We’re currently in discussions of how we will begin phasing into Engage Groups gathering in people’s homes with maximum capacities of 10.
UPDATE 3/15: Join us digitally using Zoom Sundays at 11am. CLICK HERE!

Ladies group will gather at 7pm on Wednesdays and we’ll have a prayer meeting Thursdays at 8pm as well. All meetings will utilize the link above.

Friends & Family,

It’s finally here. I’ve delayed making any sort of public statement about COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in order to avoid spreading misinformation or causing unnecessary panic. However, with the news that there are now confirmed cases right here in the capital district it seems we can’t delay speaking on the subject any longer.

To cut to the chase right up front, we’re going to postpone public gatherings for the immediate future (likely for the remainder of March, but hopefully to resume in early April and Easter). I’ll send a link out shortly inviting those able to attend to a video conference for noon on Sunday.

We live in an age where information spreads much quicker than any virus. And as such, it can be a challenge to discern what information is true and what is blown out of proportion. While the mortality rate of COVID-19 is relatively low there are other factors worth considering. The biggest being that social-isolation is the greatest weapon we have against overcoming this temporary affliction. While this doesn’t stop the virus, it greatly reduces its spread buying communities and first responders much needed time to address the situation. The longer it takes the virus to spread, the better equipped medical communities are to provide adequate care.

I’m available via phone and as needed for more one-to-one meetings. Community is at the heart of what the church does and temporarily suspending that may seem to some to be a compromise. Different situations call for different responses. As Christians we are not given a spirit of fear […] but of sound judgment (2 Tim. 1:7). Utilizing modern technology to “gather” in a digital space seems like a no-brainer and the most “sound judgment” call one can make. Let’s move forward with wisdom and avoid the fear that is an ever-present temptation. Wisdom takes precautions while avoiding hysterics. Wisdom presents us as winsome witnesses to a world that is prone to over-reaction and fear.

Pray for other pastors and the decisions they are making as there are competing values being taken into consideration. On the one hand, moving digital is not ideal, especially long term. On the other hand, I believe this temporary move helps us to protect the name of Christ and better love our neighbors who may not know him and may be living without the hope and peace that Jesus so lavishly bestows upon those who trust him.

May he draw near to us.

Pastor Sean Nolan

Additional reading CLICK HERE.

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