Expectant Prayer to an Engaging God
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
-Ephesians 3:20-21
The Apostle Paul wrote the above words to a young church meeting in Ephesus. Engage is a young church as well. So young, in fact, that we aren’t even holding public Sunday gatherings. In these early stages I am reminded anew of the importance of prayer. Would you join us in praying for God’s favor for Engage? Without His strength and power, we cannot accomplish anything (John 15:5).
Some quick observations on the above verse and things to bathe in prayer:
God can do more than we even ask or think to ask about. Let’s pray that we see that answer fulfilled in our midst.
His power is at work within us. How profound, how awe-inspiring, that little old you and me are indwelled by the Holy Spirit (the living God!)! Let’s pray that we see His power in strength to move hearts in Albany.
He is the one worthy of all glory. Whatever His will is for Engage, let’s make sure He receives the glory and not us. The word “humble” is not accidental in our vision statement. When we place the glory on God and not ourselves we have things in the correct perspective. God be glorified in our midst and in the city of Albany!
Let’s pray Engage would not die with its current congregation, but that it would live on for future generations and we would have the benefit and inheritance of faith for those coming after us in mind.
Again, God can do abundantly more than we can ask or think, so let’s keep asking and expecting to be drawn further into awe and worship as He answers beyond what we can even think to request.