Tuesday Night Engage Group
Our Tuesday Night Engage Group meets twice monthly @ 6pm right at church.
Our general aim is working through spiritual practices that shape us as disciples in the 21st century. Our primary “curriculum” (I hesitate to use that word, but nonetheless) is Practicing The Way.
The group is open to anyone and the schedule is below. However, in order to get the most out of it we strongly recommend committing to come to all the meetings (we get life “happens” and you might miss some).
Tuesday October 1 @ 6pm (Intro)
Tuesday October 15 @ 6pm (Sabbath)
Tuesday October 29 @ 6pm (Prayer)
Tuesday November 19 @ 6pm (Fasting)
Tuesday December 10 @ 6pm (Solitude)
Tuesday December 17 @ 6pm (Generosity)
Tuesday January 7 @ 6pm (Scripture)
Tuesday January 21 @ 6pm (Community)
Tuesday February 4 @ 6pm (Service)
Tuesday February 18 @ 6pm (Witness)
Tuesday March 4 @ 6pm (Conclusion / Celebration)
THIS Podcast interview Pastor Sean did with Donald Whitney (author of “Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life” is worth a listen). The following books are go-tos although not required:
Dallas Willard, The Spirit of the Disciplines
Richard Foster, The Celebration of Discipline