Advent 2022
The time of Advent is upon us once again. Those who have “tasted and seen that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8), find we are still in a state of waiting. We’ve been saved, but we’re still being saved. The Kingdom of God is present now (in the midst of His people) but it’s not yet arrived in its fullness. Sin has been defeated at the cross, yet we still struggle under its effects. Jesus Christ has come, but we wait for him to come again. We wait for him to make all things new (Revelation 21:5). So join us as we enter into this Advent season.
Advent is a Latin word meaning “arrival.” Historically, Christians have paused to contemplate and observe the reality that Jesus Christ arrived in an unexpected and miraculous way in first century Jerusalem. The four Sundays leading up to Christmas day we will observe the themes of Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy as found in Romans 5. Join us as pilgrims who have not yet arrived, but seek Jesus who is the fulfillment of these four themes.
(Romans 5:1-5, 35 Minutes, November 27 2022)
(Romans 5:1-5, 36 Minutes, December 4 2022)
(Romans 5:1-5, 34 Minutes, December 11 2022)
(Romans 5:1-5, 44 Minutes, December 18 2022)
Eve Of The Eve
(John 3:17, 26 Minutes, December 23 2022)